Sunday, 12 October 2008

Newbury Schools' Poetry Competition 2008

I'm writing after our awards evening for the 2008 Newbury Schools Poetry Competition. If you were one of our guests up at Borders, I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly did - how often do you get the chance to listen to new writing, of that quality, for free...

Enormous thanks to Borders Newbury, first of all. I make no apologies for commercial plugging - on this occasion! John O'Connor's been really supportive with the competition and the awards evening, and hopefully this can be the start of a series of events. Thanks also to my colleagues at Park House and Trinity, Helen Viney and Nat Weight, who gathered together some really high-quality writing. And I really appreciate Keston Sutherland judging and commenting on the Sixth Form entries for us.

I'm also going to plug The Download website - if you're a young writer in West Berkshire, that's your space. Do something with it. A number of the entries for the competition will appear there over the next few weeks.

And there'll be new stuff here, too. As I have time, I'll post material. Subscribe to the page for updates. The top three Sixth Form poems, as selected by Keston, are now here. I started off with Chris Brown's winning Sixth Form entry, which is now joined by Melissa Chandler and Peter Estdale's pieces.

By the way. Check out the music links too.

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